Sunday, December 11, 2011


COPE was started in 1997 as an initiative of POWER International with the Ministry of Health of the Government of Lao PDR and several international non-government organizations.  COPE is now a local not-for-profit organisation that works in partnership with the National Rehabilitation Centre (NRC) and provincial rehabilitation centres to provide access to orthotic/prosthetic devices and rehabilitation services, including Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy.
COPE has four major roles:
  1. To act as a portal for skills development and training, upgrading clinical skills in physiotherapy, occupational therapy and P&O within the government rehabilitation services and extending to management and administrative skills to ensure that the COPE develops capacity as a local organisation.
  2. To support expenses of patients who are unable to pay for treatment and associated costs as well as upgrading facilities at the five centres currently supported by COPE.
  3. To act as an interface between the donor community and the Lao Government. International donors require a recognised standard of auditing and financial accountability for proposals to be successfully accepted and managed.
  4. To facilitate referral between the network of clinical services to provide comprehensive treatment of people living with mobility impairments, ensuring people with disabilities in Lao PDR will have access to the rehabilitation services that can improve their ability to participate in their communities.
The long-term vision of COPE is to become a locally-staffed organization that covers the cost of mobility devices and rehabilitation for people in Lao PDR who cannot afford it.

While it takes a long time to train staff and develop infrastructure for quality services, we are making great steps to achieving these goals.  The Prosthetic and Orthodic unit is now all locally staffed by well-trained technicians, an international Physiotherapy Mentor is currently training physiotherapy staff for the Physiotherapy unit and  an international Occupational Therapist is now working with us to develop the paediatric and adult occupational therapy departments. (

Every year, COPE has a Fundraiser.

A group of us took in the fun, festivities, and food at the annual event!

Jon making a contribution

Prosthetic legs where scattered all over the event, used as donation boxes!!

Marla, Carol, and I enjoying the music!

Two colleagues - Patrick and Dirk...the most presentable photo of the evening for these two!

Poor Mark couldn't even enjoy his own sausage sizzle


Patrick - I think he forgot that Movember is over....

Two grade 9's selling beer - only in Lao!!
A great night of food, fun, and friends.  As I was leaving, I was treated to a sight of the Lunar Eclipse

Christmas in Vientiane

The annual Vientiane International School Christmas party was this Sunday afternoon.  Anytime there is an event in Laos, you can be sure to see food, food, and more food.  The Social Committee did a wonderful job finding a venu that both adults and kiddos would like.  Before the official fesitivies started, I chatted with colleagues over Beer Lao, spirits, and boxed wine!

Geoff and Garret having a "cheers"

Here, the kiddos are bouncing around on the equipment right before jolly Mr. Claus arrived!!

Spring rolls, salad, corn, beef, stir fry, rice, vegetables, chocolates, cake, etc...etc...etc...

I have yet to see a bowl of lettuce so HUGE!

This is one of four tables spread out around the venu
Beef being expertly tended to

Let the Secret Santa exchange begin...well, after the kidlets got theirs first!
Here comes Santa Claus - right down Santa Claus dirt lane!!
His sleigh was brought in by a pony - how Lao!!

School Director, Greg Smith - poor fella was a sweaty mess after a few hours

Santa kept calling me a Ho Ho Ho - I think I'll have to take this up with my boss in the morning!

Mr. Lamone - the world's best AND most adorable school bus driver!!





Jon - notice his "I Believe in Santa Claus" t-shirt!!


Todd, Carol, and Bryndis enjoying the great food!!
 That's all for this year and in a handful of sleeps I'll be enjoying the tastes, sounds, and smells of Christmas in North America!!!!