At the end of 2012 I put a Facebook note out asking who would be interested in "Paying it Forward." The catch was that I would send them a special gift but they had to agree to pay it forward to special people in their lives. I sent over 15 small gifts - below are pictures of those who posted their pictures back to me...
Angie is my guru! She is probably the most spiritually balanced person that I know. She has a way about her that is second to none. I often turn to her for advice on topics ranging from men to meditation - she's my "go to girl." I'm looking forward to reading "f*ck it!" when she's done with it!
Jesslyn is a former student of mine - a beautiful young woman inside and out. She is newly married and is so full of life and love. I wish her a life full of adventure and joy - she deserves all good things that come to her. I sent her "98 Things Women Should do in Her Lifetime!"
Lee is my "big sister." I've known her since I was in high school when I played softball with her younger sister. Later in our adult life we came together again in our "Splurge Group!" Lee is the strong, silent type - but she is always so full of wisdom and she makes me think. A silk scarf and cute bracelet will hopefully accent the beauty that is this woman. A wonderful friend whom I look forward to seeing every summer when I'm back in Regina!
Michelle, or as I like to call her "Pumpkin" has been a friend of mine for over 17 years. We met in University and have been friends ever since. She may quite possibly be my most frank and direct friend - I HIGHLY recommend every woman get a friend like Michelle. Pumpkin and I have a common interest - "Drop Dead Diva", a show about a model who dies and comes back into the body of a plus sized lawyer. I sent her the final season - which I've already watched and she better get her butt in gear so we can compare notes!

Stephanie and I have been friends since high school - yes, that's a long time!! Although we don't see each other often, I know she diligently reads every blog, looks at every picture on FB, and will always chime in with a kind word of encouragement or stroke my ego telling me how wonderful I am - again, EVERY woman needs a friend like this! I had started posting on my blog about a 1960's book I'd received from a colleague on "dating", she asked me a few times why I stopped blogging about it - frankly, I found it depressing. SOOO, Stephanie is now the recipient and I'm looking forward to the tips and tools she pics up on dating!

Steve is a former student of mine turned friend. He can make me laugh and smile at the drop of a hat. Once upon a time he took on the daunting task of being my "gym buddy" and was incredible. Life took him to Alberta and me overseas but we still manage to see each other when I'm home. Our last visit resulted in an ab workout from all of the laughing we did. He went to Vegas for the first time and I sent him a gift certificate for, well, "Vegas!"
I too was the lucky recipient of a Forward February gift from Regina. My friend Suzanne sent me this fantabulous scarf that she made herself. Little does she know that I LOVE scarves. I can't wait to take this with me to Argentina - I hear it's chilly down there!
My sister Ashleigh may quite possibly be the kindest, most genuine, thoughtful person I know. She will go out of her way to make you feel loved, appreciated, and special. She has become a 'wino' as I like to call her and really enjoys a glass of red! I sent her a book on Argentine wine to get her educated and well versed on the vino so that when she comes to visit we can tackle her list. I'm feeling a trip to Mendoza in our future!!

Betsy was an absolute angel my first year of teaching. I was given the "opportunity" to teach Home Economics to grade 9 students at Robert Usher Collegiate. I didn't know the first thing about sewing. I loved to cook but didn't have a clue how to organize shopping and recipes for 30 hormonal teenagers. With a smile on her face she would spend the majority of her planning periods helping me and the students cut their fabric - making sure we didn't ruin it. She was also my grocery getter and made my first year of Home Economics so much easier. I saw a Thai silk apron and instantly thought of her and her generosity.
"Forward February" was such a valuable experience for me. There were days that I struggled with personal or work issues and I felt so much peace and relaxation when I sat down to write a card and post a gift to wonderful people in my life. Thank you for being special to me and I appreciate your willingness to "Pay it Forward" to those in your life...